Daily Mercury from Mackay, Queensland, Australia (2024)





N.Q.R.A. and C.Q.R.A. (Late Walter Sparre) 'Phones 340 and 854; night 390. 8.P. Anywhere, Win or Place.

No limit. P.O. Box 216. Nebo Agent: J. J.

Hewitt. Mirani Agent: P. Healy. XL is the link between Queensland Tasmania. Jams and Canned Fruits contala 'XL.

nothing but fresh fruit and Queensland sugar. SPORTING NEWS. MACKAY TURF CLUB. BOOKMAKERS wishing to field TODAY are requested to pay their fees before 11 a.m. Draw for stands, 11.30 a.m.


Train leaves town at 2 p.m. First race starts 2.20 p.m. D- TOTALISATOR Admission Gentleman 5 plus tax: Lady, 2.6, plus tax. FRANK BEACh. THE TURF.

THE TURF. M.T.C. RACES. The second June meeting of the Maekay Turf Clay will be held this afternoon. A special train has been arranged to leave town at 2 p.m..

arriving in time for the firs: race 2.20 p.m. There should be good afternoon': sport for turf patrons, as acceptances are satisfactory. A 3- totalisator will be run. The admission charges are 5- and 2,6 respectively plus tax. The following may provide the winners -1st Division -Pomastre or tillery Duel.

2nd Gozard 0.. Maumaise. 3rd DIvision.Prince Dooloogra or Handsome Lad. 4th Division. -Sandplant or Lady 5th Bullion, Weiter Handicap or Loch Prim.

Trot. -Amaryllis or Tango. ALDION ACCEPTONS. Brobane. June 12.

The flowing ate the ace piances for Saturday: Fourth D. Fits: heat -Branzo Bar. Bachelor's Rose. Fyrish Boy. Rad Ray.

Tom Bal. Browh Burma: Moore, Georges, Pup, age 1. -re Armbani, Erank, Lord Tami- Second hen: -Satoser. Maleny. Dusky King, Grassmere, Tephillim, Trish Perase, Goldveil.

Deurgun, Cooper, Mussolini, Rapid so, Popatel, Allah, Hu en, Dream, Sand Duke Division Mally Cyrus. Lenda. Alains, Pigouador. Salsa, ape, Ambrose, Cropallen. S.cond Division- Lemond, Odds ani Meadowbrand, Warpad, Eardrop.

Far Sure, Romany Love, WaukerVenture Lad. Giey Nose, Hydrant. Mack. Ti. i Eastern Elfwing, Rap Brazen But.

Airs Elphinstone. Ha.roun. Warrinivia. Paroso. Grey Vance, Kench Flying Molka.

Raccim. Suntoil. Wettuma a. B-1. Vero, Royal Pallington, Malens, ant Ray, SYDNEY RACING.

THE WARWICK FARM MEETING. By Our Sydney Correspondent.) lonks as it the Australinn binod stuck Industry -uttered a severe 1095 When llowman an, horse by Chaucer from an Isinglass mare, died. He sired a number of winners in Eneland and the firat of his ret Were offered for sale in Australia in 1923. One of the most notate progeny is Mernah, cheap yearling. who has nroved a decent middle distance performer 131 Sydney.

As well as winning in open company. this filly has win in 301 Adrian Knox Stakes to her credit. The late-: Bowman to show to advantage a colt from Mary Fortune, who 13 knpwr to PR 14 AS At la Shares colt has prevailed at Rawick over 11 furlongs and at Warw Farm over a mile and a halt. His elor: on then occasion has left nothing to be desired and the probabilities are that he will bt found equal to much better things later on. His Spring engagements include the AJ.C.

Metropolitan Handicap, the Caulfield Cup, and the Melbourne Cop. The Randwick trainer, G. P. Nailon, acting on behalf of Mr. E.

J. Wart, cave 900gs. for Stronghow at the yearling sales. He was produced on one occasion AS two-year-old, when he ran unplaced in a Maiden Nursery Handicap (first division) at Rosehill. But while his return as a two-year-old WaS negligible quantity, Strongbow has 'well justified his big purchase price.

He has three wins to his credit, one of those wins netting his owner £810. It was in the A.J.C. Grantham Stakes, at the Spring meeting last year, that Strong-ow entered the winning lists. Bedonia was expected to win despite the journey was one of nine furlongs. But the distance was too great for the leggy chestnut and it WAS left to Strongbow to finish in most determined style and gain the verdict by a length and a quarter from Arendal, with Golden Voice in the minor situation.

Following on Strongbow's Grantham Stakes success it was thought he would certainly win the A.J.C. Members' Handicap, ofa mile and a quarter. He was made a 0 to 4 favorite, but did not once get into the picture. His display waS most disappointing. He was then taken to Queensland to contest the Queensland Darby and the Cup, but in neither he showed to advantage and he returned to Sydney with his reputation considerably dimmed.

Some few weeks ago Strongbow renewed his acquaintance with racing crowds, but in four attempts to win a race was unsuccessful. However, he showed little promise and some good judges accepted the A.J:C. Winter meeting to-day, when ers in the shape of the A.J.C. Steeplethe second of the two thousand a poundchase will be decided over a three course, These notes are being written before the determination of the A.J.C. Hurdle Race and the First Steeplechase on the first day of the meeting.

However, it is quite possible that neither of those races will have much bearing on the outcome of to-day's race, as Minterne, whom think will win, Was not nominated for either the big Hurdle Race or the First Steeplechase (2) miles) with 10.6 and the Second Steeplechase (3 miles) with 11,4. In to-day a race he will be asked to carry 11.10. When he won at the Autumn meeting Minterne WaS responsiole for a most convincing display in each of the races he won. In the Second Steeplechase he won by six lengths from King Howard, while Chrysostom was 15 lengths further back in third place. There is no room for doubt that Minterne has proved himself one of the pest fencers seen at Randwick.

He has proved his ability to travel the journey of to-day's race; he will be ridden by J. Sing, one of the most proticient cross-country horsem*n In Australia: he has schooled and he has demonstrated that he is 111 fine condition. Irres; ective of what happens on the first day of the meeting. cannot entertain the of Minterne suffering defeat to-day provided he stands up. Ever since the weights for this race made their appearance he has been at a particularly short price.

But the probamilities are that he will start at 2 to today and justify the price. Concerning the remaining candidates much depend upon how they acquit themselves on the opening day. Pulbi been reserved the Steepleonusu. I he wills zood he will will have much of the ad gelding. Last var.

Les Paddington Wen the hurdles sud was then made favorite for the Steeplechase. But he came to the first fence. He may win, but: then he may do ALS Ito did last Vent make mistake 34: the first tence. Jupiter is 311 unknown quantity 50 far 33 fen. it concerned.

Mailman a ditheul: hatse 50 Recount He in tire same stuble u- Rosal Howard. and followers of Hart ate living in hopes 01 appropriating double. In the Inst watt AV Minterne. Mailman Wil a Any hatse tha: appeared 10 have of defeating him until he 3..: cane cropper, 1: if ne stands up to-day schooling Indicates tha: considerab improved- he will prove dE in Sydney Now Ze. week.

However, the Hi- New he oft when in Was 44 11 unas-allable l'owtraven his ved from Sid tools well. While Grand Cr. cutch well AVe very lone WaN Corm. King How11: appear maul chance of reversing the tuation Minterne since when they previously abet. Lint can be -aid in favor of the Therefote it pears me tan: the w.

11 vatited Maintan. and PAL. Mayre the jhage ducare fur them: MinSettle 1, Pal 2. Mat en ALBION CUP BETTING. Brisbane, June 12.

After calling of the card at Tat(lui night on the Alien wete on offer: 2 Fine Stitch. 4 Double. Lad, 1. Put Grotesque, 11 Silastte. 14 Bus: Ian, No Step.

16 Sere nut. 20 Alabama. Deween, 25 Hugo and. 30 Northern Chief. 33 Euroex, 40 Chippa Shoon, HARVESTER'S TIPS.

Brishane, June 12 Following Ar- Tor Ashion Park races Fourth Division, tit*t near Georgevas or Radiant Kay. Second neat: Karess or Maleny. First Division Piccondo: Or Flying Malka. Aaron Cup: Laly Kunioon or Best l'an. Second Division: Hydrant or Eardrop, Third Division: Warrinilla or Brazen Boy.

phyl, Best Dan (Manning), Persse's PROBABLE CUP RICERS. The following are the probable riders in the A. ion Cup: Hignland Murhirs Rust Don Manning). Persse's Louble Runnel, Memoraft (O'Sullivan) Fine Stitch (Tucker). Grotesque G.

Nor Silastre E. Conquest), DeO'Connor, Lady Kunioon pJ. Conquest I. No Crockett. Wal.

Hartfiy Holt tr Northern Chief Soarer, J'olensis Bennett Eutoex FOOTBALL. RUGBY LEAGUE. The fixtures for Sunday afternoon at the Show Grounds under the auspices of the Mackey Rugby Football League for the Charity Shield Competition are as follow: Sarina V. Carltons, and Railways v. Wanderers.

Some coud football should be witnessed at these games as all teams have been showing good form up to date. The League's selectors will meet after the games and select the team to play at Mt. Morgan on the 21st, and Rockhampton on the 23rd of June. The following will represent Railway Minor Juniors against State School at the State School to-day at 3 o'clock: Full-back, V. Barnes: half, back, B.

Kemp: three-quarters, Wright, H. Heenan (vice-captain), R. Davidson, H. Hewitt, R. Limberg, C.

Roberts forwards, C. Rump, D. M'Cullock, H. Obst, Hunter, M. Barnes, R.

Bride (captain). Reserves, L. Edwards, G. Edwards. A.

Bambrick, SOCCER. The following will represent South Ward Wanderers No. 2. Players are requested to be on the ground at 2 o'clock J. Push, L.

Maloney, G. Hicks, R. King, T. Smith, J. Barbour, T.

Fallon, C. Wardrop, G. M' Leod, G. Vidulich, P. O'Rourke (captain) emergencies, J.

M'Intyre, H. Oust. The following will represent Queen's B-grade against North Side on North Side ground at 3.30 p.m. to-day: 'Beveridge, manager: Fittler 'S. Sothman, C.

Allen, Percy Hokins, G. Johnson. N. Johnson, E. Hayward, J.

Baillie, W. Chivers, F. Walding, T. Wilcox, J. Hodda, T.

Porter, J. Guthrie, 13. Donaldson. Dominion Sugar. FORMER PREFERENCE GRANTED.

BRITISH GOVERNMENT'S DECISION. COLONIAL OFFICE CHANGE. (Reuter). London, June 11. During an all-night debate, after the rejection of various' Opposition amendments, the House of Commons adopted the Customs duty on hops.

and Imperial preference on sugar. Premier (Mr. Stanley Baldwin) said the Government had concluded that the existing organisation of the Colonial Office was no longer In agreement with the actual constitutional position of the Empire. and inadequate to the extent and variety of the work thrown on it. It fell short more particularly in distinguishing between the work of consultation and co-operation with the Dominions, and the administrative work of protectorates: and it was proposed therefore that the conduet of Dominions affairs should be under a new Secretary for the Dominions.

with his own parliamentary UnderSecretary, who would also act 83 Chairman of the Overseas Settlement Committee, Under-Secretaray. and his own the permanent For convenience, the new secretaryship would continue to be vested in Mr. Amery, who would continue to he housed at the Colonial Office. Replying to 11 question by Mr. Ramsay MacDonald 48 to whether the Dominions had agreed to the change.

Mr. Baldwin said the tovernment had been communicating wf1k them throughout. and hoped th matter would he discussed on the Colonial Office vote. Mr. Amery will concentrate on Dominion affairs, and Mr.

OrmsbyGore will take over colonial matters. Lord Clarendon is being freely tioned :8 the new parliamentary becomes Chairman who of is the expected Overseas to Settlement Committee. TAX ON LACE. London, June 12. (Reuter, In the House of Commons the dovernment motion imposing a 41 3 per cent.

ad valorem tax imported lave was carried by a on, substantial majority. EFFECT IN QUEENSLAND. Brisbane, June 12. The announcement that the House of Commons has approved of preference on Dominion sugar is of' great importance to Queen Hand. The duty on sugar before the Mac Donald Government took power, was £25 '13 4 8 ton.

and preference mo Empire sugar about £4 57 1 ton. The MacDonald Government erduced the preference to but Mr. Churchill now redeemed his promise to revert 1. former preference of Not only will this apply to sugar. but also to manufactures in sugar is used.

and in the rise of jam this will mean will get preference of C4 5 7. on haif of its contents. The new preterence. therefore is a very sunstantial The preference Luperates from July 1, and as the Queensland su2ar will not roach England about July it will reive practically the whole of re- the benefit. It is estimated the sugar available for export from Queensland to England sedatin.

is about 130.00 ton: the preterence of per ton granted by the Imperial Government will he in advantage to this State to an extent not far short of £700.000. POWER HOUSE SEIZED. MINERS' STRIKE SEQUEL, (Australian Press). Glayce Bay Nova Scotia, June 11. After a pitched battle lasting upWards of 15 minutes, the United Mine-workers of America, who are on strike, charged the power house.

reopened by the British Empire Steel Corporation Wednesday, in order to save the coal mines from further Hooding. Early in the afternoon the miners had complete charge of the plant. One was killed and another shot in the stomach: while several of the company's police were injured. The power house was closed a week AgO. when the strikers ejected the maintenance men, following compang's refusal to accept the Minis.

ter for Labor (Mr. James Murdock, it arbitrator To-day's incident Wits the first net of serious Violence reported during the strike, which is Involving 12.000 men, and which haz entered on its fourth month. Halifax Scotia), June 2 DISORDERS Word received here on Friday morning indicated that the disorders Were spreading in Cape Breton. Rioting is ported to have out in New Aberc23n and Glace Bay district. Five hundred fully equipped troops are en route to Now Waterford, where the srtiking miners and police clashed on Thursday.

The former are still in possession of the power house, which was captured from the police. The looting of the stores of the British Empire Steel Corporation. fr the vicinity of New is reported. FRANCE AND RIFFS. ALLIED BLOCKADE.

(Reuter.) Paris, June 11. A message from Madrid states that all the movements of the Spanish troops have been suspended until the end of June, meanwhile negotiations are being held with Ab-dulKrim. A message from Geneva states that under the Act of Algecira, Britain will give support and contemplates a Franco-Spanish measure for the blockade of the Riff coasts. It is reported that M. Painleve, who reached after 12 hours' flight from Toulouse, will break his return journey Mawaga for the purpose of conversation with the Spanish Government on the subject of FrancoSpanish co-operation.

TO-NIGHT! STAR COURT TO-NIGHT! THE MOST STUPENDOUS PICTURE of this kind that has been thrown on the Star Court's Screen. EVA NOVAK Und a Stupendous Cast 10 to 1 about him in Tattersall's Winter Stakes (11 furlongs) three weeks ago. He outstayed valamita to W1n nicely by mare than length. That win gave rise tu the thought that Strong Jow was going to at last live u.n to his Grantham Stakes effort. However backers remembered his Members' Handicap failure and they were a little sceptical about him when produced Warwick Farm in the War.

wick June Handicap on Saturday. On the other hand, there backers, and a big majority of them, of Strongbow. One such of these, who would not hear of the possibly defen: had taken 2300 tu 29 about the double Janitor and Strongbow. after Janitor's success destined positively to Hedre a single penny. His waS a great to win each WAS that Frenchew preva Fo com, 1- be the running but Mar Can was 10 him.

a 1211 front home Enslogue and Mo. ician Were coge.net win Paganini Stonewow fo owing, Dialogu: and for hume three dear the testimony his to state ton: de the short Warwick he mode 10 Sr-: chance. A- Mutton Ceruder 1 81 Hater RE 1 He In tie won at his first attumnt. in Warwick Farm ThreEHut cap he appeared lave tie IOn. but p.

sInCe won the AJ.C. the Al came to wy Subsequent' Sun lewd housed 4 Hand sap. pit WAIS 11 Talhatta Hir WEAR hut 117 Advantage. But he came Wat Farm. that course wits remodelled A.1.C., In the I Handicap on Saturday he started and the contience himn by in 10 Lin ntu the lead the mile Lise of 100 He had the tale Warl there.

ri made dash him down the Hemisphere WAS doing 31. SHARE when the judge WAs tvached. The witting WAS and a halo Rah.rs ufol: was decided improvement on nit reels. by him in Tattersall's Welter Handicap. Defeat of Gaelic Maid On the whole.

backers enjoyed themselves immensely at the expense of the The three Inst races of the day went to favorites. However, the majority of hackers had to contend with a reverse when Gaelle Maid failed to do better than finish fifth 111 the Sefton Handicap, She never once appeared as likely Junior. fo. way Warwick Farm. The Youngsters, At Tattersal, meeting.

Mak Siecar accounted for Gounod and Aorangi. The first-named was of the way on Saturday and running true to form, Gounod filled first place and Aorangi second. Gounod, who is a son of Berasoon, and who realised 250ys. 15 3 yearling, had worked exceptionally well on the previous Thursday morning. In consequence, the big betting party him threw in for 2 big win.

They backed him from 4's to 3 to 2 favoritism. And this youngster justified the confidence reposed in him. He jumped away smartly and after beating off Altergo and Kilbroneen, experienced little difficulty in keeping Aorangi at bay in the last furlong. The secured one great result. That was in the Farm Stakes that went to the 25 to 1 chance, Pelman.

The latter was purchased some little while ago by Mr. T. G. Doyle, the veterinary surgeon, with a view to putting him to hurdling. Perhaps he was somewhat fortunate to win, as Johnnie Jones, the favorite, Was in third place only two heads away, after his jockey had lost an iron during the race.

In the Trial Hurdle race Piratic indicated form as a hurdler superior to anything we had previously seen him display. It is not improbable better things will come his way later. Wench again found the journey too far and fell when she became tired. Wangalla was another to tire and she was cut out of second place by Grey Knight, who certainly displayed promise. TO-DAY'S BIG STEEPLE.

MINTERNE AT A PROHIBITIVE PRICE. The curtain will be rung down on 3114 men: to Hem pt nil NORMAN DAWN'S Alaskan drama LURE MASTER OF THE tort 2000 Wolf Dogs, 10,000 Reindeer, and "ILAK," The Great Wolf Dog. WHEN A GIRL LOVES! INSPIRING IMPRESSIONABLE AMAZING. SKATING TO-DAY USUAL SESSIONS SKATING TO-DAY. KEITH DALTON CO.

To-night. Saturday, Keith Daiton's Musical Comedy Pierrot Pie Co. will piay in the Albion full. Walkerston. This show is one cf the best.

They give good music. clean comedy, and. full or life. Lovers of good night's entertainment should not miss this show. A big jazz dance to follow.

THEATRE ROYAL. Amusem*nts. In under that "The Border Legion" be authetnie as to locality Zune Grey, the author, insisted that the film company should go to the actual country motioned in his gripping novel. In compliance with this request Director Howard took the Paramount company, in which were Antonio Moreno, and Helene Chadwick. the featured players.

some quented parts of California. Hiere hundreds of miles into, little trethere were no means of communicatien with the "outside" world, so Mr. Howard revived the express" to supply the camp with news and instructions. Cowboys were posted with: three horses at given intervals and by system of relays, which was known under the name of the pony express in the early days, news was received. "The Border Legion" tells a story of the days when this means of communication was in vogue.

This Paramount picture to the Theatre Royal to A Universal-Jewel. Booth Tarkington's "The Turmoil." and supporting program will also be screened. "THE GAY CHUSADERS." At the Olympic, commencing on Tuesday night next, the above talented cempany of metropolitan perwill commence it season of (tormers two nights only. The company. which was organised by Mr.

Norman Banbury in Sydney, is the pick of the vaudeville theatres in that city, and consists of the following Wal. Rockley, Australia's leading blackfaced comedian, who is an old favorite here. with the late Harry Clay's companies: Eloise Taylor, considered to be the sweetest soprano on the vaudeville stage Mr. James Caldwell, the popular baritone singer the ever-popular Phillip Sisters (Bessie and Eileen), who have the reputation of being Australia's beat sister team of wingers and dancers: Will Leslie. in his famous musical act: and Mr.

Norman Banbury, who "sings, talks, and tumbles." The company will be strengthened for their Mackay season by the addition of a ballet of six clever dancing girls, who will arrive on Sunday morning direct from Sydney to join the company, The company, who carry a fine wardrebe and all their own scorers lave just concluded most successful season in the North. A complete change of will pa sented each niggot, and the prices ct admission are and 2 plus tax. Seats may reserved the Olympic without charge. STAR COURT. "The Lure of the Yukon" is claimed to be the best North Alaskan story produced, Its screen version will be shown to-night at Star Court.

The picture was taken during actual blizzards in temperatures from 10 to 40 degrees below zero. For the and the reindcer scenes a was herd utilised, of ten thous stampede scene; over five hundred in 1. 1d Te tors will nonel: 'wo hundred dog teams "bpeared. The value o1 the furs worn by this aggregregation of Maskans actually used in the picture ran into hundreds of thousa of dollars. A thrilling the one showing the thundering volcano Katmai.

in violent artion There are wonderful scenes also of great glaciers, mighty walis of ice. and 2 genuine shot of tho famous Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. To make the scenes of the tremendous log jam. the used ten meres of logs stacked company 40ft. feet.

A scene showing this mass of timber burning is particularly thrillling. "The Lure of the Yukon is one the first photoplays in which is actually taken the every on locutons named. A scene terrifying in its reality is the avalanche. Tens of thousands of tons of snow with it huge rocks and carrying trees and destroying everything in its path, is a thrilling scene never to be ten. Miss Eva forgotthe heroine, Novak, who plays of wears a costume made 12 unborn baby Caribou skins valued at 4500 dollars.

and The accomis drama, "When a Girl Loves." panying excellent story which another could in itself alone. make feature of a very good the big program. The usual skating sessions will be held to-day. OLYMPIC THEATRE. Once again the ment has Olympie manageeffort to please the patrons of that apparently made a special coy theatre by providing what pears to be an excellent aptertainment to-night.

The night's ento be presented program tional includes the sensawhich electric act Radiants," will make its last and two star pictures appearance. shine and 3 Sunportion comedy. Heading the picture of the program is a sation E. M. Hull's Shiek," "The Shadow sequel to of the Enst." William Fox has taken "'The Shadow of the East," the novel of Miss Hull, and made of it a throbn bing thrilling motion picture Alled with lotus atmosphere and ardent love.

The story is that of Barry Craven, an English Earl, and an adventurer, who is held in the spell of the East by its unexplainable fascination and 2 native girl. The girlhis wife by an Indian marriage- ends her life when she suspects that Craven is losing his interest in her in favor of ene of his own race, Giltian Locke, a daughter of the friend of the family. Fate brings Craven and Gillian together, but the "Shadow of the East" keeps their hearts apart. They are married-4 marriage entered into formally, but not consummated because of the terror, the memory of Lolaire, his Hindu bride. puts into heart.

Kunwar Singh, Craven's Hindu servant, keeps him faithful to white magic. Love, however, proves Lolaire's spirit, by the power of his more powerful than magic, and when Craven flees back to the desert to domain of his Arab friend, Said, the Shiek. Gillian follows him. They are united after the shadow of the East passes with the death of Kunwar Singh, following a conflict between the followers of Said and 8 rival Arab chieftain. The action of this picture along swiftly and with unending interest.

The second 'attraction is a J. C. Williamson release, "For you my Boy," which is a drama of emotional realism that will make your heart throb as the story is unfolded before your eyes on the pictures of mother-love, but "For You, My Boy," deals with that equally tense dramatic emotion, fatherlove. Fathers as a rule are quiet land undemonstrative but nevertheless down underneath that seemingly cold exterior beats a heart that feels and pulsates just as keenly to the emotions as that of more mental and expressive woman. But whether you are a father or 8 mother.

"For You, My Boy" has message that you will take home and think over for many a day. And at the same time it is replete with entertainment from start to finish. Sunshjne comedy, "Sweet l'apa," completes the program. A held special at children's matinee will be 2.30 this afternoon, when tion pictures, "El Radiants" will present special program the children, including a petition. being made at oneInculin is now of its cost of a year ago, extracted by new process, whereby it is from certain fish..

Daily Mercury from Mackay, Queensland, Australia (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Suite 453 459 Gibson Squares, East Adriane, AK 71925-5692

Phone: +21811810803470

Job: Chief Representative

Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.