🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (2025)


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15 Sep 2017

  • Korean

Quality Point(s): 769

Answer: 172

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  • English (US)

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🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (2)

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15 Sep 2017

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 979

Answer: 229

Like: 122

Hand out can mean obtaining something for free. Or it can mean giving something to someone else.
Hand over also means giving something.
She got a hand out of food.
The man hands out flyers.
Hand over the newspaper.
Hand over the food!

🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (4)

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15 Sep 2017

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 200

Answer: 73

Like: 42

hand out - give something to other people willingly

"He hands out the papers to the class"

hand over - give something to another person against your will

"hand over the money"

🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (11)

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🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (18)

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🆚What is the difference between "'hand out'" and "'hand over'" ? "'hand out'" vs "'hand over'" ? (2025)
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